Sustainable and Innovative Development - Energy China Forum 2021-the 11th Asia-Pacific Shale & Unconventional Resources Summit News Release

2021-12-05 Viewed:1563

Source:Energy China Forum

nergy China Forum (ECF) 202111th Asia-Pacific Shale & Unconventional Resources Summit News Release

Delegates Group of Energy China Forum 2021

Energy China Forum 2021 -the 11th Asia-Pacific Shale & Unconventional Resources Summit was successfully held on 20-22 October 2021 in Shanghai. This summit was jointly hosted by Shanghai United Institute for Unconventional Resources (SUI) and Shanghai Energy Economy Committee of SEA and supported by co-organizers China Petroleum Enterprises Association and Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP),Southwest Petroleum University, Oil and Gas Resource Survey Center of China Geological Survey, Sinopec Petroleum Engineering And Technology Research Institute, petrochina Zhejiang Oilfield Company, Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Shale Oil Exploration and Development.

ECF2021 is an international conference combining online and offline, attended by 300+ delegates. Besides China representatives,representatives from the United States, The United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Singapore and other countries attended the summit online.

The global natural gas and electricity market is facing a serious shortage problem, a new round of energy crisis is sweeping the world since September 2021. All the world faces new challenges in energy development and security. At the same time, the Chinese government has proposed strict controls on fossil energy consumption. China will accelerate the large-scale development of unconventional oil and gas resources such as shale gas, coalbed methane and tight oil and gas. 

Themed of “Change Challenge Chance”, ECF2021 Summit addressed the development opportunities and challenges of unconventional energy such as shale oil and gas and hydrogen energy, as well as the impact of carbon capture, utilization and storage technology (CCUS), digitalization and integrated energy systems on the energy transition. Participants also discussed the next generation of new technologies and solutions for the production of unconventional oil and gas.

Sustainable and Innovative Development 

Dr. Young Joo LEE, Director of Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) Technical Secretariat, delivered an opening speech,and congratulated the successful holding of the summit.

Dr. Lee said he was anticipating this forum could provide a platform for Asian countries which include CCOP Member countries can have more opportunity to participate in the energy transition.


Dr. Young Joo LEE, Director of Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) 

Mr. Zhang Hongtao, Counselor of the State Council,former Ministry of Land and Resources, and chief expert of SUI, pointed out that the green energy development faces three unprecedented challenges. 

The first challenge is that COVID-19 has severely impacted traditional energy supply chains. 

The second is that the COVID-19 is challenging the resilience of energy markets. 

The third is that in the face of the overall situation of "ecological priority", fossil energy enterprises must pay attention to grasp the direction, scope and pace of energy transformation.

Ms. Xiao Shaw Zhang, President, Energy China Forum (ECF), pointed out that 2021 will be a turning point in the change of the energy transition model. The requirements of China's energy transition to a green period are in line with the current development trend of shale oil and gas.


Ms. Xiao Shaw Zhang, President, Energy China Forum

According to He Jishan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,  the shale oil and gas is a clean, low-carbon and efficient fossil energy, and a bridge to transform fossil energy into green and low-carbon energy. According to Liu He, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering,  promoting the construction of intelligent oil and gas fields is an important means of improving the quality and efficiency of the oil and gas industry and innovating its development. According to Fu Jinhua, deputy general manager of Changqing Oilfield, China's largest oil field, Changqing Oilfield aims to reach 68 million tons of oil and gas equivalent by 2025. 

ECF & CCOP Names ECF2021 Awards for Tech Innovation

ECF2021 6th Oil and Gas Tech Innovation Award Ceremony took place during the summit. Initiated by Shanghai United Institute for Unconventional Resources and the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP). This award aims to recognize and reward innovative technologies and products that has the potential to make significant contributions towards the oil and gas industry. A total of 11 technical entries have been awarded this honor: 


ECF & CCOP Names ECF2021 Awards for Tech Innovation

The 2021 Honorees: 

        Winner: Yantai Jereh Petroleum Equipment & Technologies CO., Ltd

  • Winning Tech: Near-bit Gamma Imaging-While-Drilling System (Introduction)

        Winner: Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering

  • Winning Tech: Real Time Detection and Monitoring Method and Equipment of High Resolution NMR for Oil Content in Drilling Fluid  (Introduction)

        Winner: Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Sinopec Matrix Corporation

  • Winning Tech:  Anti-explosion Small Diameter Rotary Steering Drilling Tool for CBM Extraction  (Introduction)

        Winner: Shentuo (Beijing) Science & Technology Co. Ltd, CCTEG Xi'an Research Institute

  • Winning Tech: Popularization of Managed Pressure Technology in the Whole Process of Drilling, Logging, Cementing and Completion (Introduction)

        Winner: CCDC Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute

  • Winning Tech:  QuantumPLT®. Production Logging Without Well Intervention (Introduction)

        Winner: Geosplit LLC (Russia)

  • Winning Tech:  Intelligent Decision-making Platform for Oil and Gas Wellbore Engineering  (Introduction)

        Winner: CCDC Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute

  • Winning Tech:  Amazon Rainforest Zone Drilling Fluid and Clean Production Technology  (Introduction)

        Winner: CCDC Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute

  •  Winning Tech: Development of Long-life Vulnerable Parts of Fracturing Pump for Oil and Gas Stimulation  (Introduction)

        Winner: Sany Petroleum Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd, Gent Materials Surface Technology (Guangdong) Co., Ltd , Zigong Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd , Seed Technologies Corp., Ltd

  •  Winning Tech: High Performance Internal Blowout Preventer  (Introduction)

        Winner: Beijing JJC Petroleum Co., Ltd 

  •  Winning Tech:  Intelligent Oil Recovery Technology and Its Popularization and Application in Jimusar Shale Oil Demonstration Area  (Introduction)

        Winner: Jiqing Oilfield Operation Area of Xinjiang Oilfield Company

Energy China Forum (ECF) is proud to announce that ECF2022 12nd Asia-Pacific Shale & Unconventional Resources Summit will be held in Oct 2022 in Shanghai, China and glad to invite all global players to witness the 12nd anniversary for China unconventional resources development and seek more opportunities. 

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Disclaimer: The above content was edited by Energy China Forum (, please contact ECF before reproduce.

Author:    News Time:2021-12-05


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