Sino Geophysical Co.,Ltd.Established:2003-11-10
http://www.sinogeo.com 22F, Tower2, North Star New Era Building, jia 13,BeiyuanLu, Chaoyang District , beijing china .
Registered Capital | Employees | Enterprise Nature | Company Type | Main Business | Contact Name | Contact Email or Phone Number |
¥320,000,000 | 101-1,000 | Foreign-Invested Enterprise | Energy Service | seismic processing and interpretation, | Beijing Office | +8610-84922368 |
Company Profile
SINO Geophysical Co., Ltd. is the leading private company in China that engages in professional technical services of the integration of seismic processing and interpretation, meanwhile provides the consultant of reserve volume assessment of oilfield blocks for oil companies. The headquarter locates in Beijing, and there are two branches in Urumqi and Jidong.
We are well known worldwide for our development and use of advanced technology for seismic data acquisition and data processing. Our hardware, software and people resources provide the oil and gas industry with risk-reducing solutions to solve challenging exploration and production problems.
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