Zhejiang Renzhi Co.,Ltd.Established:2006-09-27

http://www.chinarenzhi.com/ No.5, Yanjiang West Road, MIANYANG, Sichuan 621000
Registered Capital Employees Enterprise Nature Company Type Main Business Contact Name Contact Email or Phone Number
RMB Yuan 4.12 billion 101-1,000 Corporation Energy Service Oilfield Chemicals, Oilfield Equipment and Tools - 86-816-6855555

Company Profile

Zhejiang Renzhi Co., Ltd., formerly Sichuan Renzhi Oilfield Technology Services Co., Ltd., is principally engaged in the provision of oilfield technical services. The Company primarily provides drilling fluid technology services, including drilling fluid blending, as well as cycle operation and recycling; oil field environment protection technology services, including oily water environment protection treatment and abandoned drilling fluid environment protection treatment; oil field special equipment testing and repairing technology services; antiseptic engineering technology services; well workover technical services; oil testing technology services, and downhole operation technical services, among others. The Company is also involved in the production and sale of petrochemical products. The Company mainly operates its business in domestic market, with southwest China as its major market.

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