State Council Investigated and Dealt with the Problem of Reselling Imported Crude Oil by CNPC Fuel Oil Company

2022-01-20 Viewed:708

Source:State Council

According to the relevant laws, regulations and policy documents of the state, the recent audit by the National Audit Office found that the fuel oil company subordinate to China National Petroleum Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the fuel oil company) had the problem of reselling imported crude oil. According to the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the joint investigation team of the State Council carried out verification and investigation in accordance with the law, objective, fair and realistic.

After verification and investigation, in June 2006, the fuel oil company sold 400000 tons of imported crude oil to Shandong Binhua group in the name of "blended fuel oil", resulting in the resale of imported crude oil by PetroChina. Over the years, PetroChina has sold 179.5 million tons of imported crude oil to 115 local refining enterprises. During this period, the main leaders of PetroChina group have seriously neglected their duties and responsibilities. PetroChina's reselling of imported crude oil violates the administrative license law and other laws and regulations and the relevant provisions on the management of crude oil and refined oil, seriously violates the national industrial policy, seriously disrupts the order of the oil market, encourages the blind development of backward production capacity of illegal local refining enterprises, encourages the illegal approval of local refining projects in some places, and destroys the market environment of fair competition, Indirectly caused the loss of national finance and taxation, and seriously damaged the Party style and social atmosphere.

After careful investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission on the dereliction of duty of relevant party organizations and Party members and leading cadres, the Party group of PetroChina bears the main responsibility, the fuel oil company bears the direct responsibility, and the relevant functional departments of PetroChina bear the regulatory responsibility. Relevant leading cadres of CNPC, relevant responsible comrades of functional departments and fuel oil companies fail to perform their duties correctly and fulfill their responsibilities, and bear corresponding responsibilities. According to the decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the relevant departments have dealt with the problem of PetroChina reselling imported crude oil seriously in accordance with regulations and disciplines, and recovered the illegal profits of PetroChina reselling imported crude oil.

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Author:    News Time:2022-01-20


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